Sunday, 24 February 2013

101 Uses for a Drawer

I can remember wrapping tomatoes up for my Grandad and putting them in a drawer  to ripen.. then checking them weekly..
I seem to be having to resort to books and TV at the moment as I havn't seen  and real life examples of make do and mend recently.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

101 uses for a log and some sticks and grass

101 uses for an oil drum

Maybe I have been watching too much TV......but spotted on "Come Dine With Me"..a BBQ made from an old oil drum, which featured heavily in this episode.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

101 Uses for a hand drill

Another one from "Le Salvager" on Quest. In this one Rico Daniels makes a scarecrow, using an old hand drill as part of the mechanism for a wind powered device attached to it. I couldn't get any good photos of the device..but blades spun round causing the head to rotate, and it rattled.

101 uses for old house doors

Great TV series on Quest called "Le Salvager", Rico Daniels gives all manner of junk a new lease of life. He makes everything so well, nicely finished and solid.
Doors into windows... He turned 18 doors into a greenhouse.